Movies That Cheer Us Up

Arriving back from a bout of depression while in quarantine I try to instill some much needed positivity by Skyping my friends Ian, Pat, and Don about what they watch to pick them up when they feel down and why these movies or tv shows make them feel good. I love you all. Stay happy, stay safe.

Mike’s Films-Naked Gun, Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, Ed Wood

Pat’s Films-The Great Race, The Great Escape, The Incredible Mr. Limpet, Hair, Godspell, Jesus Christ Superstar, Sweet Charity, Cabaret, All That Jazx, Seven Days in May, Alibi Ike

Don’s Films-Hearts Beat Loud, As Good As it Gets, Silver Linings Playbook, Big Night, The 40-Year-Old Virgin

Ian’s Films-Galaxy Quest, Better Off Dead

Pat McDonald is a writer for Hollywood Chicago and Tour Guide for Chicago films! Twitter @ubercritic and @ChiFilm

Don Shannahan is the Writer/Podcaster for Every Movie Has A Lesson

Ian Simmons is the Podcaster/Writer/YouTuber at Kicking The Seat Twitter @KICKSEAT

Arriving back from a bout of depression while in quarantine I try to instill some much needed positivity by Skyping my friends Ian, Pat, and Don about what t...

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