Reviews and Opinions

'Godzilla Minus One' Is The Best Godzilla Since The Original

GodzillaMinusOne is the most terrifying, intelligent, and meaningful Godzilla film since its 1954 original. Writer/Director Takashi Yamazaki makes a film about the results of the atomic bomb creating a monster who's an allegory for man's unwavering ability to commit self-destruction. He's an unkillable beast that is a terrifyer.

Yamazaki gets back to the root of who Godzilla is and why he is. He isn't the hero who fights bad monsters to keep humanity safe. He's a genocidal maniac that only exists to kill. It's a film that's not only about the monster but the humans he affects. They're not stock characters like the ones you'd find in the American films. Koichi Shikishima (Ryunosuke Kamikin) is a soldier who doesn't carry out his ultimate duty. His journey of learning who he is through courage and a determination to kill Godzilla makes him a very human character affected by the behemoth's bloodshed.

Shikishima's narrative resembles what many of the Japanese soldiers during World War II must have felt. Questioning if there's a real reason for them to die. Yamakazi gets Godzilla better than any director has in a long time. He understands that Godzilla is a meditation on the atomic age. It's a horror film about the horrifying possibilities man's capable of. After leaving the theater, I did a review and discussion with Tarek Fayoumi enjoy.

Tarek Fayoumi is a writer for Movies With Tarek. You can find his reviews on all of the latest movies here.

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