'Blonde' Mess or Masterwork?

Joining me are film critics Pat McDonald and Cati Glidewell to discuss Netflix's feel-good movie of the year.

Mike Crowley is a member of the Chicago Indi Critics https://chicagoindiecritics.org Editor for 25YL https://25yearslatersite.com and owner of YPA reviews https://www.ypareviews.com

Cati Glidewell is the owner and Head Blonde in Charge at @theblondeinfront on Instagram, Facebook, and Instagram. She's also an affiliate member of Chicago Indie Critics and Bananameter

Contributing Creator at @radioofhorror as The Blonde In Front of Fear and Co-host of @PostmortemRadio

Pat McDonald is a writer for Hollywood Chicago and Tour Guide for Chicago films! https://hollywoodchicago.com/ https://chicagofilmtour.com/

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'She Said' Review and Discussion

Studios That Are Too Big To Fail