Reviews and Opinions

Episode 25 FLASHBACK POD-The Overabundance of Pro-War Propaganda Films

For a century cinemas have failed to question or challenge war the way they used to allowing for an all volunteer propaganda machine to thrive.

Special Thanks to Oscar Nominated filmmaker and President of Ravenswood Media David McGowan for his contribution. you can find a link to David’s Oscar Nominated film here

You can view the video of our discussion here

For a century cinemas have failed to question or challenge war the way they used to allowing for an all volunteer propaganda machine to thrive. Special Thanks to Oscar Nominated filmmaker and President of Ravenswood Media David McGowan for his contribution. you can find a link to David’s Oscar Nominated film here

Episode 26 'The Lion King' Review and Disney's Future

Episode 24 "Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?"

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