Reviews and Opinions

Episode 110 Ahsoka Episode 8 Review and Discussion

Are we still hailing Dave Filoni as the savior of Star Wars? No.

John Davies is an avid collector of Cinema and Star Wars experts. You can catch, or ever submit, your movies to John to be put on his program, Sinema Obscura here!

Jeff York is a member of the Chicago Indie Critics and a writer for The Establishing Shot You can find him on X (formerly known as Twitter) @JeffYorkWriter and Instagram @jeffyorkcaricatures.

David J. Fowlie is a longtime Star Wars and book fan. You can catch all his work at You can find our twenty-year anniversary recap on The Phanom Menace here

Mark Krawczyk runs Special Mark Productions, where Mark reviews everything from horror movies to the latest blockbusters, interviews filmmakers, and more! You can find his Patreon here

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Episode 111 'Godzilla Minus One' Is The Best Godzilla Since The Original

Episode 109 Ahsoka Episodes 6 and 7 Review and Discussion

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