Reviews and Opinions

Episode 99 Summer Blockbuster Memories

Six Chicago Film Critics break down their favorite and worst summer blockbuster memories.

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Don Shanahan is a Rotten Tomatoes-approved and Banana Meter-approved film critic writing for film obsessive, his own website, Every Movie Has a Lesson, and as a co-host of the Cinephile Hissy Fit podcast on the Ruminations Radio Network. He is a co-founder/co-director of Chicago Indie Critics and a member of the nationally-recognized Critics Choice Association and Hollywood Critics Association.

Will Johnson is an Arizona film critic and co-host of the Cinephile Hissyfit podcast

Ian Simmons is the host/showrunner of @KickingtheSeat You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram @kickseat

Cati Glidewell is the owner and Head Blonde in Charge at @theblondeinfront on Instagram, Facebook, and Instagram

Hayden Mears is a freelance writer for IGN and more! You can check out some of his work here

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Episode 100 Studios Who Are Too Big To Fail

Episode 98 'The Flash' Trips While It Runs

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